Antenna Setup – Manhole
1. Items Required
- NT-ML complete antenna with 24mm hardware
- Crescent wrench that can open to at least 32mm wide
- Power drill with 12mm chuck
- 26mm cobalt holesaw
- 6mm cobalt drill bit
- Cutting fluid
2. Preparation
If the manhole cover does not have any holes present, choose a location where you want to attach the antenna through.
Typically, a hole will be off center like in the illustration.
3. Drill Hole
First drill a pilot hole with the 6mm drill bit and be sure to use lots of cutting fluid to assist you.
Once this has been done, drill the 26mm hole also making sure to use lots of fluid if required. Pilot drill and holesaw have been supplied with your antenna.
4. Fit Antenna
The antenna should be able to fit in this hole now and you can put the rest of the hardware on and tighten the antenna to the manhole cover. Make sure the antenna is sitting flat to the manhole cover and not sitting on the weld and able to rock as this can damage the antenna. You may need to drill a larger 32mm hole to accommodate for the welds if the surface is too smooth.
5. Done
Here is a view of how the antenna and manhole cover would appear from the side. Be sure to tighten the nut well with a wrench to make sure the antenna does not loosen over time.
If you have problems….